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Cambridge Society of Paris News Bulletin 4

Dear Member,

‘Tis the Season for Seasonal Quizzes so, in keeping with the spirit of the season … Who said What about the Cambridge Christmas Party?

1. It was a dream come true
2. A glorious triumph
3. So well organised, the music sensational, and the dancing lovely to watch
4. Tous les musiciens que j’ai revus après ont été enchantés
5. I amazed myself by doing a mini charleston .. which I have not done for decades
6. Last night was like flying through a time machine! WONDERFUL !!!!
7. What a triumph. Certainly the best party I have been to since I arrived in Paris
8. Fantastic setting and a great bunch of people
9. Dazzled by the ambiance and excitement of the evening
10. So much enjoyed by all, and beyond all our dreams

A. Peter Salinson
B. Elizabeth Schofield
C. Anthony Langdale
D. Sophie Loussouarn
E. Clare Hohler
F. Barbara Albasio
G. Iain Cheyne
H. Nigel Moss
I. Lou Lauprète
J. Patricia Hawkes

Well, certainly, with an attendance approaching 400, including 35 musicians. With the tap dancer, magician, light shows and opera singing automatons. With the wonderful costumes and stunning dancing, it was undoubtedly an exceptional occasion and a terrific Cambridge send-off to the year.

As for the quiz .. I have no intention whatsoever of giving the answers! But thank you, all of you, and a good many more, for your wonderful and enthusiastic letters. Thank you also Tony for your massive back-up, analysis and supervision of the complicated guest lists. Outside CamSoc itself, thank you to the many musicians. Thank you Philippine Chombart de Lauwe and Aygline de Clinchamps for organising the food, and Marie-Mathilde Blanckaert for gathering the highly efficient and glamorous bar team. And thank you Yves Riquet; Paris Boogie Speakeasy was the inspiration for the entire show.

On the basis that a picture is worth a thousand words, here is a video clip of the evening. Watch it soon, because it will expire in a few days time (though we will be uploading a permanent version to You Tube and to our web site):

Early in 2018, I will write outlining the objectives of the Cambridge Society of Paris for the forthcoming year. Meanwhile, I hope you all have a wonderful New Year.

With best wishes,

President, Cambridge Society of Paris