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Launch of the CamSoc Paris Youtube Channel

I am pleased to say that the Cambridge Society of Paris has taken a further step forward in its evolution: we now have a dedicated channel on You Tube.

At present, this runs under the complicated title of:

The intent is to change the last part of this to …. cambridgesocietyofparis.


However, this can only be done by having 100 subscribers, and waiting 30 days. It would be most excellent to have a proper named account, and therefore we need 100 people to ‘subscribe’.

This is dead easy and does not involve any payment or obligation. All you have to do is go to the You Tube channel by copying the following link into your web browser:

and then clicking on Subscribe (or Abonner). As simple as that.

It would be hugely appreciated if you could please do this, to help get the 100 users we need – we already have more than 50…

When you go to our new You Tube Channel, you will be able to see the video of the Christmas Party and, very soon, a video of the Union Debate.

Next newsletter, with the video of the debate, will follow.

With best wishes,
