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Freshers Event at the Fondation Goodplanet 2022

On September 24th last year, we hosted our annual Freshers’ Welcome Drinks, as part of the University’s world-wide program of events for those students who have recently been successful in gaining a place at Cambridge, whether as an Undergraduate or a Graduate.

After a successful first event there in 2021, we returned to the Fondation Goodplanet in the Bois de Boulogne, in the grounds of the Château de Longchamp.

Over several hours on a (surprisingly dry) afternoon, freshers had an opportunity to meet other new students coming from France and to chat to Society members about their experience in Cambridge.

We are grateful to our long-standing committee member Peter Salinson who organised the event and shared anecdotes of his time at Cambridge with the freshers in attendance.

Matthew Kay

President, Cambridge Society of Paris