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Freshers’ Welcome drinks

The Cambridge Society of Paris is again taking part in the University’s world-wide program of events for those students who have recently been successful in gaining a place at Cambridge, whether as an Undergraduate or a Graduate.

The aim is to give them an opportunity to meet other new students coming from France and to chat to Society members about their experience in Cambridge so that the Freshers are better prepared on arrival in their College at the start of their first term.

We will be returning to the Fondation Goodplanet, which is an outdoor venue and so we hope will suitable and safe even if the level of Covid infections creeps up again. The venue is in the Bois de Boulogne and for those without a car, there are three buses running about every 10-15 minutes:

Entry is free and attendees are welcome to wander around the Fondation before or after the event.

There is no charge for the event. Freshers will be offered two complementary drinks, while Society members can purchase their refreshments at the Clairière’s bar.