Site icon Cambridge Society of Paris

Hot Topics for Top Minds

The Society’s quarterly virtual meeting to debate topics considered to be of interest by the participants, proposed in advance, will be held on Thursday 20th January 2022 from 8pm to 9pm. Places will be limited to a maximum of 20 so everyone is able to have their say on each topic.

The critical thing is to have a range of interesting topics, which is down to you please. The topics can be on almost any subject – topical, scientific, philosophical, serious or amusing, it is up to you to suggest what you would like to discuss. Having thought of ideas, please include them in your booking form, or if you come up with an idea later, you can send your contributions directly to the Society’s President, Terry Quinn, on Terry will then compère the event.

This event will be hosted on Zoom. A meeting link will be sent to all registered attendees two or three days in advance of the event.