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Oxford & Cambridge Poetry and Prose Reading

We are pleased to announce the next Oxford and Cambridge virtual prose and poetry reading on Tuesday 1st March at 7pm. It will take place on Zoom. This event is open to members of both Societies.

The topic chosen is “Rich and Poor” which we hope gives you plenty of scope to select readings that are pertinent. Each reader should plan to come with two readings, which can be either poetry or prose, each of 3 to 5 minutes (maximum) long.

Thus, in the 90 minutes available, you can expect to read both pieces. Paul Tracy (Oxford) will again act as moderator for the evening.

There is no charge for this event. To book, click on the “+” sign in the booking section below and enter the information requested on the way to checkout.

Registered participants will receive the Zoom link by email two or three days before the event.