Walk with George Young

Metro Saint Paul Metro Saint Paul, Paris

Walk with George Young in THE MARAIS AND THE BOURG ST MARTIN on Sunday 24th June. George Young will lead the first of two walks on the right bank to rediscover what is left of medieval Paris. The aim is not to concentrate on major sights, but to reveal some nooks, corners and gaps which

Talk on Soren Kierkegaard

Fondation Danoise 7 H Boulevard Jourdan, Paris

Wed 26th September 20:00 – Talk on Soren Kierkegaard The Paris Institute of Critical Thinking (run by member David Sayers – Corpus Christi) is happy to announce the first event in its PICT Faculty Lectures series: “Søren Kierkegaard and French Philosophy,” a talk delivered by core faculty member Evrim Emir-Sayers and hosted by the Fondation

October Monthly Drinks

Murphy’s House 10 rue de la Chaussée d’Antin, Paris

Wed 3rd October 19:00 – Monthly Drinks Come and join us from 7pm to meet up for an informal evening. All Oxford and Cambridge Alumni and their friends are warmly welcome. Just mention “Oxbridge” at the bar for a discounted price on the pint of beer. Typical pub food and soft drinks also available. Murphy’s

Matisse and Islamic Art

Sorbonne University - Amphi de Gestion 14 rue Cujas, Paris

Monday 8th October 19:00 – Matisse and Islamic Art The Paris Institute of Critical Thinking (run by member David Sayers – Corpus Christi) invites our Members to the second PICT Faculty Lectures series: “Matisse and Islamic Art” presented by Professor Michael Barry at the Amphi de Gestion,  Sorbonne University, 14 rue Cujas, 75005 Paris. Professor

Event at Christie’s

Christies's Paris Office 9 avenue Matignon, Paris

Wed 17th October 11:30 – Event at Christie’s We have again been given the opportunity to have privileged access to Christie’s during their exhibition of lots to be sold in the Paris Avant-Garde and Art Moderne auctions. Full details will follow shortly but note in your diaries that the event will be on Wednesday 17th

King Edward VIII – An American Life

University of Chicago 6 Rue Thomas Mann, Paris

Thurs 25th October 19:30 – Joint Oxford/Chicago event – King Edward VIII – An American Life It is with great pleasure that the Oxford Society announces a special joint event with the University of Chicago Center in Paris, to take place on Thursday 25th October at 7.30pm. Special guest, author, historian and both a Cambridge (Downing) and Oxford alumnus,

Concert at St George’s Church

Saint George's Church 7 rue Auguste Vacquerie, Paris

Sat 27th October 18:30 – Concert at St George’s Church Concert given by Adrian Shaw (Jesus), Baritone and Timothy End, Piano at St George’s Church, 7 rue Auguste Vacquerie, Paris 16e at 6:30 pm. Kreuzwege by Richard Wagner / Chemins croisés by Frederic Delius / Crossroads by CW Orr. Admission free.

Varsity Rugby

The Bowler 13 rue d'Artois, Paris

Thurs 6th December 12:30 – Varsity Rugby Join us from noon on Thursday December 6th at the Bowler Pub, 13 rue d'Artois, Paris 75008 to watch this year's Varsity Rugby matches. The Ladies' match kicks off at 12:30 so come along and watch over a bar lunch. The Men's game starts at 16:00. Please send

L’Etudiant Study Abroad fair 

The British Council is looking for anyone interested in helping them out with their stand at the L’Etudiant Study Abroad fair that will take place on Sat 8th December at VIPARIS, Espace Champerret, (Rue Jean Ostreicher 75017 Paris). The British Council will have a stand there for the whole day. There will be a British