Mailchimp Campaign Archives 01/03/2023 - St John’s Voices Visit to France message31/12/2022 - Cambridge Society of Paris - Greetings for 202301/10/2022 - Cambridge Society of Paris - Monthly drinks on 5th October28/09/2022 - Cambridge Society of Paris - events for the coming weeks14/09/2022 - Queen Elizabeth II : 1926 - 202231/08/2022 - Cambridge Society of Paris - an outline of the programme of events from September28/07/2022 - Cambridge Society of Paris - changes to our Committee, and a few events for your diary28/06/2022 - Cambridge Society of Paris - our events over the Summer03/05/2022 - Cambridge Society of Paris - notice of Annual General Meeting 25th May 202206/04/2022 - Cambridge Society of Paris - Pascale Cossart will talk on "The invisible world of life"