In honour of its founding president, the Cambridge Society of Paris annually grants the Trevor Brown Bursary to one or more current students of the University of Cambridge. The Bursary is intended to be a modest contribution towards expenses incurred for carrying out work or research in France pertaining to France or French society.
Members of the Cambridge Society of Paris are enthusiastic to help facilitate Cambridge students coming over to do project work here in France. The deadline for receipt of applications for 2025 is Friday 25 April 2025.
Eligibility Criteria:
Students may apply for the Bursary provided they fulfil the following criteria:
- studies currently being carried out, at undergraduate or graduate level, must be towards the completion of a degree at the University; and,
- within the course of these studies, they are carrying out work or a project with a link to France or French society.
The Bursary is open to students of all nationalities, although some students may need to apply for a visa from the French Embassy in London in order to study in France.
Application Details:
Students wishing to be considered for the Bursary should submit an application to the Bursary Committee of the Cambridge Society of Paris. While there is no standard application form, the application should set out the following information:
- A description of the applicant’s studies and the degree being undertaken at the University;
- A description of the specific work or project that will be supported by the Bursary funds and its tie to France or French society. This should include details of the expected outcome (e.g., report, paper);
- An explanation of the importance of the Bursary funds for carrying out the work or project and/or the applicant’s studies;
- An explanation of the manner in which the funds will be used for carrying out the work or project. Applicants should also provide details of any other funding that is available, has been sought, or has been obtained;
- One letter of reference from the student’s tutor or supervisor.
Applications should be limited to 750 words (not including the letter of reference) and sent by e-mail to by Friday 25 April 2025.
Grant of the Bursary:
The Bursary Committee of the Cambridge Society of Paris will carry out the assessment of the applications based on the documents and materials received by the above date. The Bursary Committee may request additional information from applicants.
The Bursary Committee will then determine the number of Bursaries and the amount per Bursary to be allocated in 2025 (usually a sum of about 500 €). The decisions concerning Bursary allocations will be communicated to applicants by the middle of May 2025. Bursaries are usually paid when the successful applicant arrives in France, but this is arranged individually. The Committee will be grateful for the earliest notice of students’ travel plans. Successful applicants may be invited to give a presentation on their work to a small audience of Society members.
Christopher Segar
Chairman, Bursary Committee, Cambridge Society of Paris