Hot Topics for Top Minds

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The Society's fourth quarterly virtual meeting to debate topics considered to be of interest by the participants, proposed in advance, will be held on Wednesday 21st April 2021 from 8pm to 9pm. Places will be limited to a maximum of 20 so everyone is able to have their say on each topic. The critical thing


Katie Derham – The Great Silence… the power of music during the pandemic

Virtual Zoom meeting Your location

The face of the BBC Proms, Katie has been presenting the BBC’s coverage of the yearly musical extravaganza for the past eleven years. With a career in broadcasting spanning over two decades, Katie has collected an impressive number of credits, working as an award winning journalist and presenter in both radio and television. She regularly presents


Oxford and Cambridge Poetry and Prose Reading

Virtual Zoom meeting Your location

We are pleased to announce the third Oxford and Cambridge virtual prose and poetry reading on Tuesday 25th May at 7pm. It will take place on Zoom. This event is open & without charge to all members of both Societies. Please register on the Cambridge website to participate. This month, we have decided that we


Martin Rees – The World in 2050 – and Beyond

Virtual Zoom meeting Your location

Martin Rees, Baron Rees of Ludlow, OM, FRS, FREng, FMedSci, FRAS is a British cosmologist and astrophysicist. He has been Astronomer Royal since 1995 and was Master of Trinity College, Cambridge from 2004 to 2012 and President of the Royal Society between 2005 and 2010. Martin’s field is astronomy where he has achieved many important results, and recently Martin has founded the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk at


Dr Peter Hicks – Napoleon and the British, before and during St Helena

Virtual Zoom meeting Your location

The first ever biographies of Napoleon were written not in French but in English, the only serious biographies of the Consul and later Emperor were written in the same language and during his lifetime. During both of his abdications and exiles, ‘Boney’ was frequently the subject of book, newspaper articles, etc. The exile on St


Peter Elliott – The ‘art’ of self-publishing: a view by a Trinity lawyer, an escapist into history

Virtual Zoom meeting Your location

Peter will tell a story of a Cambridge Law tripos student, who should have read history, but devoted a career to law, and then in retirement switched back to his first love, history. From his rustic base in the Languedoc, far from sophisticated libraries, Peter carries out most of his research remotely. He will cover:


A walk along the Aqueduc Médicis to the Observatoire

Parc Montsouris 2 rue Gazan, Paris

George Young has developed a new walk which will follow the trace in Paris of the Aqueduc Médicis, constructed in the early 17th century to supply water to among other things Queen Marie de Médicis’ new palace of Luxembourg. It generally follows the line of the Roman aqueduct of which some remains may be seen. The


Paris Freshers Welcome Drinks

Fondation Goodplanet 1, Carrefour de Longchamp, Bois de Boulogne, Paris

The Cambridge Society of Paris is again taking part in the University’s world-wide program of events for those students who have recently been successful in gaining a place at Cambridge, whether as an Undergraduate or a Graduate. The aim is to give them an opportunity to meet other new students coming from France and to


Entrepreneurship and Building a Better World : Carbon13 – The Venture Builder for the Climate Emergency

Virtual Zoom meeting Your location

Tackling climate change with entrepreneurship The story of the venture builder Carbon 13 Carbon 13 is a new accelerator based in Cambridge which focuses on delivering new ventures capable of reducing CO2(e) by > 10 million tonnes each (Carbon13 - The Venture Builder for the Climate Emergency). Chris Coleridge, CEO and founder of C13, will


Hot Topics for Top Minds

Virtual Zoom meeting Your location

The Society's fifth quarterly virtual meeting to debate topics considered to be of interest by the participants, proposed in advance, will be held on Wednesday 2Oth October 2021 from 8pm to 9pm. Places will be limited to a maximum of 20 so everyone is able to have their say on each topic. The critical thing


Carols at the Travellers

The Travellers Club 25 avenue des Champs-Elysées, Paris

  All tickets for this event have now been sold However, it is possible to register on the waiting list and if there are cancellations the tickets that become available will be allocated in the order of receipt of waiting list applications. After a one year enforced Covid gap, the Oxford Society in Paris and

Free – 20.00€